A son’s letter to his dad:
Dear Dad,
How have you been? I hope you’re doing alright.
If you a$k me, college i$ really tough con$idering the expen$e$ I need, but I’m hanging in there.
I almo$t flunked one of my major$ becau$e I wa$ $hort on ca$h. We had thi$ huge project that required me to $pend a huge amount and I barely made it with the expen$e. I had to loan money from my room mate Zeek. My friend$ decided to throw a party at my pad after we have completed our project. Booze and women were everywhere.
$peaking of pad$, my monthly payment i$ almo$t due. I doubt Zeek will loan me more money after the la$t loan. I gue$$ I will ju$t try to find $omeone el$e to borrow money from. My Por$che needed a bit maintenance the other day and I can’t really cover.
The $eme$ter i$ al$o about to end. I have not yet covered my $chool expen$e$ and…well, you $hould have already figured out the $truggle$ that I am in.
$o how i$ the $tock market? I$ it $till on an upward trend? I hope you’re winning.
With much love,
Dad’s response.
Dear Son,
I really do NOt kNOw what to tell you. I NOticed that you are indeed struggling and I feel for you.
When I was in school, I also had to struggle but I did most of the surviving on my own. I studied my lessons with NOthing but candle lights to illuminate the small room. I walked three miles a day from my shack to the university. I thought parties are just a waste of time and money. I also thought women helped ruin my concentration so I really had NOne of those. Just like you NOw, I was also a NOvice when it came to survival. But I did NOt let anything interfere with my studies.
I worked two jobs. One at a NOtarial office and aNOther at a burger place. It was NOt easy but at least, I did NOt have any troubles with money. I’m sure you can do the same thing that I did. You are smart and your kNOw-how in business management; it should be a NO-brainer for you.
The stock market is doing well. I’m making more than eNOugh to help me through retirement without having to depend on NObody.
I hope you get through all your struggles. Good luck!